I can't tell you how deeply I wish we were all sitting together, devouring copious amounts of coffee and cake, while discussing what God spoke to us through the first video.
Seriously, I'm bummed like you'll never know that we can't do that.
But, we'll make the most of our cyber-visits together, OK?
So what did you think of the Intro video??
I'll briefly give you a few of my thoughts.
First, I thought it was intriguingly interesting that God isn't mentioned in the book of Esther. I've read it no less than a dozen times over the years, I'm sure...yet I've never noticed that. What does that say about me? I shudder to think. But I love how Beth covered that, didn't you?
And the way she talked about the fact that God is seemingly absent from our lives from time to time was huge to me. It really can be confusing when we don't feel God near us. But that's yet another reason to really know Him. When we have a deep relationship with Him, we know for certain that His promise to never leave us is true.
The other thing that stood out to me, BIG TIME, were the three things she posted as being the toughest parts of being a woman, based on her poll.
#3 Yielding. I don't feel like this is an issue for me...but umm, I'm sure I'm just blinded by my own denial of it. I'll ask my husband, I'm sure he'll have a hearty opinion. Ahem.
#2 Balance. Oh, baby. Is this ever an issue for me. On so many levels, I can't even tell you.
#3 Hormones. Ding, ding, ding, ding!! This is me, to an embarrassing degree. Where do I even begin? I won't.
So how about you?
What's your take on the first video?
Do tell.
Ahhh, not sure I should be the first to comment, but here goes!
ReplyDeleteI LOVED her 3 points on what makes it tough to be a woman. I thought a lot about it today (watched the video this a.m.) and although the hormones and balance ones are almost no brainers for me (just ask my family... sigh), the yielding one wasn't obvious to me at first. But it is like Linny posted on NHBO the other day - I think I had put it into my "denial envelope". I hope this study will help me figure some of what all that is about.
I so appreciated her honest retelling of the season of not *feeling* God. I have had a season just like that and while I am so happy to not be there any more, It's something that won't ever leave my awareness. Not a fun place to be. Very unnerving. It is reassurrig to know that one doesn't lose their faith in that time, but I am not signing up for that again. :)
I'm interested to hear more about her theme of God's Providence in Esther. I wouldn't have pulled that out as a theme directly, but then I am not sure what I would have called the theme. Perhaps obedience. But that would've made it a lot more about the human side of things and a whole lot less about it being God's story.
What would be the theme that you all would have chosen prior to Beth's talk?
I think the first thing that hit me too was the fact that God is never mentioned in the book of Esther. Then I thought, how can this be one of my favorite books if it doesnt even mention GOD?
ReplyDeleteI also went through a time when I didnt feel Gods presence. I remember laying in bed one night just weeping and feeling this unbearable pain well up in the pit of my stomach. I literally felt lost and very alone. And then panic set in. I felt the same way wondering what did I do and how can I get Him to come back. I missed Him, and as strange as it sounds it felt good to know that my love for Him was so deep that I could miss Him that much.
But I think the #1 thing that grabbed my attention more than anything else is when she said that she wanted to have the passion to say to God "I will do ANYTHING to stay in His presence." I dont know if that was her exact words, but I know that that is where I want to be in my relationship with Him. I want to be WILLING to do ANYTHING for HIM!
I was also struck by the theme of providence running throughout the book and how NOTHING happens by chance. And how "even when we are BLIND to the evidence," God is working out EVERYTHING in conformity with the purpose of His will. Today was a hard day for me, nothing major, just feeling like I'm exerting a whole lot of energy but not accomplishing much. What a comfort to know that today's particular circumstances were NOT by chance but were very much PROVIDENTIALLY ORCHESTRATED. Praying for eyes that are not blind to the evidence of His working all around me and that this will offer hope on those hard days.
ReplyDeleteAlso, she made the comment along the lines of "there's nowhere God cannot go without a willing, scared half-to-death, ill-equipped vessel." I loved that. I want to grow in willingness ['cause I got the other 2 qualities pretty much nailed :) ] as we see it portrayed in the life of Esther.
Dear Sister in Christ... I was and am so excited about this study...and already I am behind. Most of my family (of 12) is sick, and 2 are just barely staying out of the hospital. So, I am ALREADY behind. I was and am so excited about this study, so I feel frustrated...
ReplyDeleteI hope to catch up and connect soon!
I am really going to like this Esther study. I loved the video and like others I did not know God was not mentioned in Esther. This was all perfect timing for me in what happened to me yesterday in thaq nothng happends by chance.
ReplyDeleteLori my dear sister in Christ I thank you so much for starting this online study. I do find it harder to watch the video by myself rather than in our group setting. I think it is harder to make the time and no interuptions,
Ladies this is my first time to write on a blog lol.
Oh my I just read mine and discovered several misspellings I need a spell check. Please be patient and I will try to do better, you should know I am of the older generation lol
ReplyDeleteOK I just found how to spell check on this.
I will get better I promise
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to tell you that I will praying for you and all your little ones to be feeling better very soon. : )
Judy, you are cracking me up! Your comments are just fine. Misspellings are A-OK with all of us. :) Can't wait til we get together in person! Miss you so much!
ReplyDeleteShonni...I'm praying for you, friend!!
Lori, Did you not get my post???
ReplyDeleteI had hoped to at least get this comment out before midnight to be able to say I still made it to bible study ontime, but unfortunately, I am once again running behind. I absolutely loved this video. I too didn't know that God wasn't mentioned in the book of Esther and find that very intriguing. I guess to me He was so evident in all that was told in the whole story that it didn't occur to me that I hadn't read his name.
ReplyDeleteI really related a lot to Beth talking about the dark night of the soul. I really have to be honest in that I am in this place right now to some extent. I know God is there, I know He is holding me in the palm of his hand. I trust in his providence, he's shown it to me over and over. But right now, I'm totally relying on faith and previous experiences He's brought me through.
I think of the three toughest parts of being a woman that I struggle with the most is balance. I just seem to get one part of my life running as it should be and the next thing I know something else is out of whack. Of course the other two things are a struggle also, but I have an easier time dealing with those than balance for some reason.