a gathering place for online women's bible studies....

"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure." Isaiah 33:6
Welcome to our gathering place for online women's Bible studies. Our current study is, Esther by Beth Moore.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

what's your status?

Hello, friends!

I feel so bad that I haven't posted anything here in a while.

I'm such a slacker.

I'd really love to know where you are all at in the study right now. :) I know we are all probably scattered in our progress. And that's OK!! No pressure at all to keep up a pace that's too difficult. It's about getting God's word into our hearts....not racing through it just to keep up with everyone else. Ya know?

So, please let me know where you stand, OK? Let's try to re-group a little.

As for me, I just finished the homework for week four.

This study is so good, isn't it? So even if it takes you a year to get through, please press on! It's so worth it.

But whatever your pace in this study, discipline yourself to be in the Word every single day, OK? Oh, I simply can't stress how vitally important it is.

Love you all!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Session Two Video

Hello, my dear friends!

It's Thursday morning and I just now finished the Session Two video. I don't have much time to write about it but I had to stop in and at least say...wow. Was Beth right-on about everything, or what?

The meanness thing. Gracious be, we've all been on both sides of it, haven't we? I cracked up when she said "I never knew a grown woman could hate an 8-year old..." Isn't that so true? When someone messes with our kids, it brings out a rage in us that we never knew existed.

But the biggest thing she touched on that I wish we could tell every single girl and woman on the planet, was about modesty. "Mean girls dress provocatively around other women's men....KEEP YOUR BREASTS TO YOURSELF!!" Oh my gosh, I can't tell you how many times I've been to CHURCH and seen as much cleavage as when I go out into the world. That's so wrong. I'll be honest to tell you that in years past I dabbled in that kind of attention-grabbing myself but the spirit of conviction has led me to see clearly how very wrong that is. And now nothing sparks holy anger in me like a girl displaying herself as if all she's worth is a tongue-wagging glance from a guy(s) she really cares nothing about. Oh ladies, we are so much more valuable than that.

I'll leave it at that.

I love reading your comments! Please take the time to let me know what you're thinking.

And whether you are ahead or behind in your homework, feel free to leave a comment regarding something God spoke loudly to you about. Be sure to give us a page number so we can refer to it as well.

Thank you dear friends!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Session One Video

Did everyone have a chance to watch the Session One video this week?

What did you think??

Please don't fizzle out on me, girls!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

week one {homework}

I was so blessed to have been able to complete the first day of
homework sitting all by myself at Panera Bread Co.
After that day, however, I've been roughin' it at home.

I was hoping to have posted a few thoughts about
the first few days' of homework
but I just haven't had a chance to get it from my heart
and put it to words (yet).

In the meantime,
does anyone have something they'd like to discuss
or share from this week's homework so far?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Intro Video - - Discussion

I can't tell you how deeply I wish we were all sitting together, devouring copious amounts of coffee and cake, while discussing what God spoke to us through the first video.

Seriously, I'm bummed like you'll never know that we can't do that.

But, we'll make the most of our cyber-visits together, OK?

So what did you think of the Intro video??

I'll briefly give you a few of my thoughts.

First, I thought it was intriguingly interesting that God isn't mentioned in the book of Esther. I've read it no less than a dozen times over the years, I'm sure...yet I've never noticed that. What does that say about me? I shudder to think. But I love how Beth covered that, didn't you?

And the way she talked about the fact that God is seemingly absent from our lives from time to time was huge to me. It really can be confusing when we don't feel God near us. But that's yet another reason to really know Him. When we have a deep relationship with Him, we know for certain that His promise to never leave us is true.

The other thing that stood out to me, BIG TIME, were the three things she posted as being the toughest parts of being a woman, based on her poll.

#3 Yielding. I don't feel like this is an issue for me...but umm, I'm sure I'm just blinded by my own denial of it. I'll ask my husband, I'm sure he'll have a hearty opinion. Ahem.

#2 Balance. Oh, baby. Is this ever an issue for me. On so many levels, I can't even tell you.

#3 Hormones. Ding, ding, ding, ding!! This is me, to an embarrassing degree. Where do I even begin? I won't.

So how about you?

What's your take on the first video?

Do tell.

back on track...

OK, Ladies...we took a little break to get everyone caught up. You should have watched the intro video by now. Right? I hope so!

If you haven't contributed to the video discussion below yet, please do!

Then it's time to get started on the homework!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a quick pause?

Hey there.

I just had a thought. There are at least two of our gals here who are dealing with really sick kids right now. And a couple others haven't received their workbooks yet.

Do you want to delay our study by one week to help everyone get caught up?

I know it's soon to be doing that already but I sure do hate to have any of you starting out behind!

Let me know.

**UPDATE** I immediately heard from one of the moms with sick kids. She would be so very grateful if we delayed this by a week. Let's do that then. OK?

Feel free to continue on with the study! We'll just delay our discussions by a week.

Make sense?

Monday, October 18, 2010



I was absolutely certain that you could download the workbook...but it has been brought to my attention that it isn't on Lifeway's site. I looked, and sure enough, it's not there.

Dang it.

SO, my apologies if this messes anyone up. If you were planning on downloading it, I guess you'll have to go buy one or order it online.

If anyone needs me to email you a scanned copy of the first few days' work until you get your book, I can do that. *Probably not "legal" but as long as you buy a book, I'm sure it will be fine. Don't ya think?

Let me know!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

sneak peek

Girls, I just had to jump on here to tell you that I took a sneak peek at the Intro video.

Well....the fact is, it wasn't just a sneak peek.

I watched the entire thing.

I was just too excited to wait a single minute longer. Plus, I needed the head-start.
All I can say is, we are in for a ride!

In true Beth Moore style, she digs deep...and requires the same of us.

And if you've done a BM study before, you know her humor will leave you laughing hard and feeling refreshed. You won't be disappointed.

We'll discuss it at length starting Tuesday evening! Just thought I'd let you know that there is MUCH to look forward to in this study. AND God has something big for all of us. I just know it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

getting started...

Hello, fellow sojourners! I'm so excited to get started on this study! Let me take a moment to explain how this will work (if you don't already know):

1. Watch the weekly video on (or before) each Tuesday, following along in your workbook as you fill out the video guide pages.

2. We will begin a "discussion" here at this site Tuesday evening...and/or Wednesday.

3. Beginning on Wednesdays you will complete the homework in the workbook over the next five days.

4. We will discuss the homework every few days...or every day if we want to. :)

Since this site is dedicated solely to this study...feel free to pop in anytime to say what's on your heart. Please understand that I may have to moderate comments if spam and/or other weird comments come in. I will publish comments as quickly as I can.

Right now this site will remain public so that even those not actually doing the study can gain from it. If we feel we need to have more private discussions, I will change it to a private site. I want everyone to feel free to say what's on your heart without feeling intimidated.

In fact, if that's what the majority wants....I will go ahead and do that now.

Let me know!

In the mean time, gear up to dive in!

Oh, and one last thing....if at all possible, add yourself as a follower if you're doing this study. If you don't know how to do that, let me know. I will help you, or add you to a list on the sidebar of those following along (first names only, of course) who are not on the "followers" list.

Sure hope I didn't make this more complicated than necessary!!

Please let me know if you have any questions!
