a gathering place for online women's bible studies....

"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure." Isaiah 33:6
Welcome to our gathering place for online women's Bible studies. Our current study is, Esther by Beth Moore.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a quick pause?

Hey there.

I just had a thought. There are at least two of our gals here who are dealing with really sick kids right now. And a couple others haven't received their workbooks yet.

Do you want to delay our study by one week to help everyone get caught up?

I know it's soon to be doing that already but I sure do hate to have any of you starting out behind!

Let me know.

**UPDATE** I immediately heard from one of the moms with sick kids. She would be so very grateful if we delayed this by a week. Let's do that then. OK?

Feel free to continue on with the study! We'll just delay our discussions by a week.

Make sense?


  1. I am so happy to hear that we are waiting to start next week. I don't have a sick child but I am sick! :( I hope we all can get together next week. The intro. video was awesome!

  2. ABSOLUTLY! I was thinking the same thing this morning.
